Aubrey Hayes has the best job--dressing windows at Le Muse Lingerie. But her creativity deserts her when she needs to come up with the ultimate hot sex display. That is, until she finds a Hot Guys Trading Card. Suddenly ideas are flowing. Then she meets the even-hotter-in-person Detective Liam Flynn and discovers the best inspiration ever.
The Valentine's Fantasy from Benedict restaurant is everything Jessica Lafayette could want. And it's not the dessert--it's her waiter whose wicked smile makes her insides lava-cake gooey. But her one-night waiter is actually Sam Benedict, upscale restaurateur. And her little lie about being from out of town turns into a big deal.
After getting canned from her job as a computer programmer, Pepper O'Malley crashes a business lunch in a creative attempt to get the job back. That's when she realizes (a) her ex-boss is hiding corporate secrets, (b) the sexy guy she got caught with in the copy room is an undercover FBI agent, and (c) she'd make an awesome spy!