Wicked games and forbidden desires are the order of the day in the latest installment of bestselling author Jo Goodman's Compass Club quartet, as Evan Marchman -- West to his friends -- undertakes a dangerous mission that leads to unexpected temptation...
Evan Marchman has just inherited a title, lands, and a fortune -- but is miserable as the new Duke of Westphal, preferring the intrigue and adventures of the Compass Club to the responsibilities of an estate. More promisingly, he has also gained a ward -- a beautiful woman who asks for his aid in unraveling a mystery that will draw them both into a world of hidden pleasures...
Headmistress of a ladies academy, Ria Ashby desperately needs West's help to find a student who has disappeared without a trace. Yet she cannot help but be distracted by the promise of passion behind the duke's green eyes and roguish grin. Soon their search for the missing girl leads them to a secret society comprised of the school's board of governors -- an inner sanctum where sensuality rules -- and power seduces...