A diligent Dewey decimalist, Miss Wilhelmina Zukas believes in doing everything by the book. And if that means keeping the library open during the most blinding blizzard Bellehaven has ever experienced, so be it! But something more sinister than big snow transpires outside her window. While inspecting the site he's generously set aside for the town's new library, local billionaire Franklin Harrington is inexplicably blown to bits!
Since the surviving Harringtons are more inclined to build pricy condos on the designated land, Helma--under strict orders from her boss, library despot May Apple Moon--sets out with her offbeat friend Ruth to convince the dead philanthropist's dysfunctional clan to honor Franklin's wishes. But delving too deeply into Harrington affairs could prove fatal--because a murderer may be hanging off the family tree. Then again, Miss Zukas has never been one to ignore a juicy mystery . . . especially when there are skeletons in the closet that could use a good rattling.