Did you ever hear a story that caused a tingle down your spine or a goose bump affect to the hairs on the back of your neck or unexpected fear tears rising up from a tale being told? The three short stories you are about to read were told as fact.Don't Go Down the Left Fork Alone is a tale my grandfather told and my grandmother verified. Family and names have been fictionalized but the story was told as true. There is good and there is evil. I will let you decide what you think.A Call from the Alley is a tale based on partial truth and put into fictional form. Where do the spirits of the unsettled dead go when they die? Have you ever crossed the path of unexplained phenomena?The One Thing I Never Believed Real is a tale of a supernatural event I personally experienced. Though I have fictionalized it to keep names anonymous, the story is told as it happened and though I never believed in ghosts or spirits walking the earth at unrest I cannot deny the events I experienced. I felt the tingle down the spine, the goose bump affect to the hairs on the back of my neck and the unexpected fear tears rising.