Jeda is being forced to participate in the annual "Scrarth and Avangar" contest of up and coming young women of the empire to determine who will rise to rule in ruthless power over the a segment of the empire. Meanwhile Carnalia's war rages on against the nation of Ecclessa; fortresses are burned, Ecclessites are hunted down like animals and forced to go into hiding. Bonu, jeda's sweetheart, with the aid of a recently recruited Carnalian who changed allegiances to become a kingsman, sets out to rescue his beloved from the awful fate that awaits her. Will Jeda succumb to the dark, mystical rituals forced upon her to make her fight in the arena? Will Bonu arrive in time to rescue his beloved Jeda and set free an army of prisoners held captive in Pitland as well as seek hidden weapons whereby to arm them for the overthrow of Pitland and its wicked ruler, the White Priestess who sponsors the yearly duel?