Okay, so I'm gonna show you more of what happens in the next part of my diary (or journal or memoir or WHATEVER). I guess if I had to give it a title, I'd call it The Dream Thief, since it's mostly about the Lanky Man, but it's also about me, and Matty (of course), and this really bizarro character called Master Wix. It's even weirder than the stuff in the last book . . . but every word of it is true. I SWEAR.
The average idiot on the street would think I'm making this up, but I figure if you're reading this, you're NOT an average idiot. You're probably the kind of person who BELIEVES that there's more to this stupid world than the garbage they shove down our throats every night on the six o'clock news. And -- as queen Ija once told me -- when it comes to magic, believing's the MOST IMPORTANT THING.
P.S. This book has all you need to know about THE STORY SO FAR. Except the WHOLE story so far. That's in The Road to Inconceivable. Check it out.