A restless wizard casts a spell, stars move ominously, and the story of Pelenor, the lost prince, begins. The old wizard had known for ages that real magic comes to those who first relish the magic of simple life. True wizards develop an extraordinary interest in the ordinary. But the old wizard wondered: what then does it mean to be interested? What power calls us and takes hold of us when we feel an interest? How does one feel more interested in the simplest of things? How does one listen to the nature of life? The wizard is led through dreams to the story of Pelenor, the unsteady, orphan voice in our hearts that cries for awakening, the forgotten prince. Abandoned by his father because he was inconvenient, living on the edge of a decaying kingdom, he is forced to flee when civil war erupts. Replete with magic, swashbuckling, and questions about the purpose of being, the story follows Pelenor's vagabond journey as he seeks for awakening.