Prequel to Brides of Blue Sky County series. Sensual content. Bella Hauser arrives in town and never expects to find help from an iron tough, granite-faced deputy, who is about as untamable as the wild west. But he touches her heart with his stalwart kindness and thoughtful honor. Too bad she isn't interested in forever. She's leaving as soon as her errand is done.
Deputy Gerard Hayden isn't a settling down kind of man. He's too tough and he has a past that haunts him to this day. He's busy keeping the peace and hunting outlaws that threaten it. He's not about to risk his heart, so why does pretty Bella make him wish he could promise her forever?
33,00 Words.
Book 1 High Plains Bride, full length
Book 2 Her Forever Lawman, full length
Coming soon Book 3, Blue Sky Hearts.