What if your greatest secrets became public? For the students at Alexandria Prep, a series of hacks leads to a scandalous firestorm -- and the students are left wondering whose private photos and messages will be exposed next. It's Pretty Little Liars meets WikiLeaks.
Alexandria Prep is in total social chaos. Someone -- no one knows who -- has hacked into the phones of the school's social royalty and leaked their personal messages and photos. At first it was funny -- everyone loved watching the dirty private lives of those they envied become public. But when things escalate, the students realize anyone could be a target.
When Anna returns to school for senior spring, she's initially grateful that all eyes are on everyone else's problems...and not on her humiliating breakup with her basketball-star boyfriend. But as the hacks begin to shatter lives and threaten futures, Anna races to protect those she loves -- as well as her own devastating secrets.
If only the students of Alexandria Prep could turn back the clock so they knew then what they know now: sometimes we share too much.