Best friends...Megapreachers...One evil...As kids, Terrell (TJ) Money and Percival (PC) Turner had one goal-become big time preachers. But once they accomplish that goal, heading up One World Faith; the largest church in the Southeast, the best friends battle on just how they should be leading their flock. TJ is living up to his name and looking to capitalize on a congregation more than willing to shell out big bucks for a man of God. Percival tries to walk the straight and narrow, but soon the lure of the bling leads him astray.
Can either one survive?
When PC tries to right his wrong ways, the battle lines are drawn and best friends will see sides of each other that they never knew existed. Soon, TJ gets down and dirty-pulling up every trick and devastating secret to keep his holy money train rolling. Will Percival learn the hard way that TJ is a sinner who doesn't want to be saved? And if he does, will it be in time enough to stop tragedy from turning his own life upside down? When the dust settles, someone will definitely be singing the Preacherman Blues.