The River Rages, the second book of the "River's Trilogy," is a fictional story based in the American South with a mix of melodrama, suspense, and historical events. The adventures of Luke and Katie McCoy begin when they lose their farm to an unscrupulous land grabber. Uprooted from their home, they move to the city where things start to get really complicated. Katie develops some unusual friendships -- a neighbor with abilities to see visions and a proprietor of a house of ill-repute. A deep and abiding respect develops between the women. Lives are changed as faith is renewed, resiliency is restored, and good humor abounds. The River Rages turns serious when Luke and Katie's closest friend, Hoose, gets railroaded on a murder charge, facing certain execution. Along with their new friends, they plan out and implement the perfect escape. How they manage this blow is the book's climax.