From the beloved author of "The Wonder Bread Summer," comes the jaw-dropping story of Lexie James, a counselor at an exclusive New England prep school whose search for happiness lands her in unexpectedly wild trouble. Lexie James escaped: after being abandoned by her alcoholic father, and kicked out of the apartment to make room for her mother's boyfriend, she made it on her own. She earned a masters degree, conquered terrifying panic attacks, got engaged to the nicest guy she'd ever met, and landed a counseling job at the prestigious Ruxton Academy, a prep school for the moneyed children of the elite. But as her wedding date nears, Lexie has doubts. She's created the stable life she craved as a child, but is stability really what she wants? In her moment of indecision, Lexie strikes up a friendship with a Ruxton alumnus, the father of her favorite student. It's a relationship that blows open Lexie's carefully constructed life, and then dunks her into shocking situations with headline-worthy trouble. The perfect cocktail of naughtiness, heart, adventure, and humor, "The Trouble with Lexie" is a wild and poignant story of the choices we make to outrun our childhoods--and the choices we have to make to outrun our entangled adult lives.