This novel is based on the character named JD or John Dough, who decides to come up with some cash by robbing a bank with his partner and lover, Sunshine.
Well, this decision puts in play a chain of events that began to engulf loved ones and friends who he'd had no intention of ever having be involved.
Murder and betrayal is the epoch of JD's life after that one bad decision. Hidden truths about people he'd once trusted began to resurrect on his path of trying to get out of going to prison and taking his friends with him.
While attempting to keep a straight head to figure out his next chess move without being checkmated, he began to realize the love he'd suppressed for Dimmie Davis, who was his fiancé that he abandoned but now needed to aid him in figuring out this complex paradox he's now stuck in.
His nemesis is Detective Gonzales and a slew of others he creates on his path to redemption. So I hope you enjoy this roller-coaster ride of sex, money, and murder with JD and God, who is constantly revealing revelations with hindsight, knowledge, and prophetic wisdom on his race to survive!