Evil always lingers in a land where men have enslaved other men. Such evil is discovered by Kody Carver, a 13-year-old African-American boy who spends his summers in the Old French Quarter of New Orleans. There with Raney Tanner, his alligator-wrestling bayou cousin, he helps his magical Aunt Simone with Voodoo ceremonies for tourists in his aunt's haunted house. By day, Kody and Raney cruise the steamy streets of the Old French Quarter, where other kids sell Voodoo charms and vampire teeth, or dance for money. By night, Kody and Raney become Voodoo boys in loincloths and bones. The audience thinks it's all showtime, but a lot of the magic is real. But, when Kody is almost gunned-down by an eight-year-old named Newton, who was sent out to kill to prove himself worthy of membership in a kid-gang called The Skeleton Crew, Kody discovers the real gang leader has been dead for almost two-hundred years. Kody and Raney set out to save the young gang members from death - or worse - with help from an undead boy.