This novel follows the epic true story of Majus and Majician (also known as the BoGo Colts), twin Arabians born in the summer of 2015. After a routine post-breeding sonogram confirmed a single embryo, Jessica Williams was shocked when her beloved mare gave birth to twins. Pregnant herself, and having recently moved to a larger home with an unfinished farm, Jessica is in no position to handle twins. When the twins contract a deadly blood infection, Jess must make an harrowing journey to get them to the University of Pennsylvania''s New Bolton Center, the premier animal hospital in her area. Under the advice of a friend, Jessica creates a Facebook page for the colts that quickly reaches ten thousand followers and becomes an amazing community of hope and support. In the event that the twins survive, Jess will be faced with the painful decision of selling either her treasured Half Arabian foals or the miracle twins with whom she had been blessed. This beautifully written novel recounts the true story of survival of Majus and Majician, the twin Arabian colts. Against all odds they struggled to survive while their breeder struggled to find a way to keep them together. A story of hope, faith, and determination, A Heart Full of Hope will enchant readers of all ages and backgrounds and dares you to live your dreams.