She was an indentured servant, an irresistible mistress, a woman with a will of her own...
The turbulent story of an English beauty -- sold at auction like a slave -- who scandalized the New World by enslaving her masters.
Marietta was a woman wronged--raped by her employer, charged with theft by her jealous mistress, and shipped to the Colonies to serve fourteen years as bound servant
to the man who bid highest.
But Marietta was beautiful, educated and resilient, with a provocative body meant for love, and she was determined to prevail.
Over the handsome, silent planter who bought her to be his housekeeper. Over the dashing entrepreneur who supplied girls to the New Orleans red light district. Over the wealthy sadist who used her in his madness.
She would conquer them all--if she could subdue the hot, unruly passions of her heart.