“What's Wrong with Men?!” is a true story of a woman, looking for love and a genuine guy, but finding total pricks instead... The book is universal, contemporary and interesting.
I'm attractive and smart, but I've never been married. I've just never met the right guy. I've felt depressed at times, but I've never given up hope to find my soulmate. I have a brilliant idea - I will look for him on the internet! I've decided to spend a year on various dating sites, trying to find him. During this year I've had many experiences " some funny, some terrifying, some disastrous. Now I want to share the weirdest and the most incomprehensible stories with you.
Throughout the year I've met different types of guys " some nice and straightforward, some arrogant and disrespectful. However, they've all taught me valuable lessons and at the end of the year I've become 'an expert' in online dating. I've learnt what type of guys should be given a chance and what type of guys can be a total waste of time and should be avoided. I've also learnt that some of the dating websites are not very reputable so in my book I reveal dishonest practices some of them use to lure more members.
My book is not a professional guide about dating, but it describes an average woman's effort to find her soulmate " and EVERY SINGLE WOMAN CAN ACTUALLY IDENTIFY WITH ME!
The main purpose of writing this book is to show women that dating online is not that difficult or scary, as long as they know what to expect and what to do (after all, if I've done it, so can you!). I also want to show them that they are not alone " most single women have the same problems, complaints and expectations while looking for Mr. Right.
Men can also find this book useful. Do you want to know what you do wrong when you approach us, women? Read the book and find out!
Besides, it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman and what point in life you're in - I think reading about someone's disastrous experiences in dating can be... beneficial (then you either appreciate what you've got or you realize that every single woman's life can be hard).
You can also visit my blog:, comment on my sories and share your experiences " it does help a lot to get your problems and complaints off your chest.
And now... enjoy my book! You won't be disappointed, I promise!