In her dynamic debut novel, Jennifer Anglade Dahlberg explores the headstrong ambitions and fragile dreams of a couple on top-and their drive for success, which tests the limits of privilege, love, and friendship in the most provocative of ways...
Nora Deschamps is an editor at a chic women's fashion magazine. Her husband Jeff Montgomery owns an independent record label that's edging into a mega-bucks hip-hop phenomenon. Tracked as one of
New York Magazine's "25 Most Exciting Couples Under Forty," Nora and Jeff appear to have it all. But their future is about to be shaken, by Nora's on-the-rise career that's taking an intimate toll on their lives, by a crime that Jeff is powerless to prevent, and ultimately by the secret of a long-ago indiscretion and the revenge that now threatens all they've strived to achieve. From the uptown high-life to the downside of love, betrayal, and long-standing lies, Nora and Jeff must now fight harder than ever to learn the meaning of trust.