Imagine the United States in 2030: The “long war” in the Middle East continues and the country teems with homelessness, starvation is rampant and there is no middle class. The economy is desperate because of the lack of natural resources, overpopulation and global warming. The country is run by an administration of the Evangelical Party, which has projected its agenda but has to control the media to give the impression that all is well. A worried president seeks an honorable way out. Then an anthropologist discovers an ossuary in Israel that contains the bones of Jesus. A jet flies the bones to the U.S. where conservatives believe a clone can provide the spiritual leadership the U.S. needs, but a teetering nation cannot wait, so the infant is placed in a time-incubator and matures in four years. But his first message to the world so offends the administration that they dub him “Susej the Antichrist.”