The Temptation of Power
No longer a princess and not yet a queen, the sorceress Oria welcomes the rush of power
the ancient mask brings her -- though the obsessive connection to it frightens her and
alarms her barbarian husband, Lonen. But retreat is not an option. She must wrestle the
magic to prevent an annihilating war, even if she must make the ultimate sacrifice.
A World in Flames
If Lonen wants to reclaim his throne -- and save his people from destruction -- he must
return by sunset on the seventh day. What he thought would be a short and simple
journey, however, leads them deeper into the mountains -- and Oria deeper into the thrall
of foul magic. Until he must choose between two terrible paths.
A Heart-Wrenching Choice
Struggling with conflicting loyalties, Oria and Lonen fight to find a way to be together…
lest they be separated forever, and their realms go down in flames with them.