Ladies in Distress...
Redheaded Cynthia "Cricket" Keenan, an elementary school teacher, had been eagerly looking forward to a restful summer vacation with her sister, Carmen, and her grandmother. Gramarie's cottage in Lakeville, which she had rented to two "nice young men" for the winter season, certainly sounded like a tranquil retreat. But from the moment the Keenans arrived, it was anything but -- and before long Cricket was wishing she had nothing more exciting to cope with than a horde of screaming children. For the "nice young men" had departed, taking all of the furniture with them. What's more, they had neglected to pay the rent, which in turn was to have paid the mortgage. Gramarie and her granddaughters found themselves in danger of losing the roof over their heads along with the furniture. Their nearest neighbor, a long-haired, bearded disciple of Thoreau, seemed an unlikely candidate for knight-errant. But help sometimes comes in strange ways...and before the summer was over, Cricket learned that love can too...