Local television journalist Bridger Klein is desperate to escape from small-town reporting, and he believes a string of arson fires burning across northern Michigan may be his long-awaited ticket to national primetime. Chasing down a series of ancient tribal symbols discovered at each of the scenes, Bridger and his cameraman, Neon Kashkari, race to unravel the mystery of who is setting the fires, and why. But the search turns deadly as a local militia mobilizes, a clash that intensifies when the government unleashes its own overwhelming response. As the region teeters on the brink of anarchy, Bridger and Neon find themselves entangled in a web of conspiracy - one filled with long-kept secrets about Bridger's own mysterious past. Now more determined than ever to expose the truth, Bridger must confront those responsible before they succeed in igniting a rebellion that could divide the entire nation.