He was tall, dark, and exquisitely handsome--possessed of both wealth and charm. Yet as desperately as Adrian needed to raise money to open her New York couturier house, Jason Carradine was the last man she would turn to for help. His bank had thrown her family into ruin when the stock market fell in 1907, and Adrian had no wish to make herself vulnerable.
But Jason, nicknamed the "Prince of Wall Street," was a man of considerable influence and Adrian knew that, much as she scorned him, his involvement would have New York's most elegant women clamoring for her designs.
As the flourishing business drew them together constantly, Jason's nearness made Adrian tingle with sensations she had never known. Her heart beat wildly, and she trembled with desire. And, powerless to deny him, Adrian could only surrender to the total vulnerability of love.
Hero: Jason Carradine (Prince of Wall Street)
Heroine: Adrian Marlowe