JAYDEE, a teenage, alien metamorph, abandoned on Earth as a baby, who may well be the deadliest killing machine in the known universe...FUTURA, a mysterious woman from a parallel dimension with strange abilities...XANI-RHU, former agent of a Galactic Federation of telepaths...THE BRONZE GLADIATOR, exiled prince of the powerful planet Arena, gifted with awesome powers... These characters, all strangers to Earth, have been brought together by TANKA, a former jungle lord recruited by entities from our planet's farthest future and now empowered to protect our world from extra-terrestrial menaces.In this sixth volume of Strangers, the mission of our heroes is to travel to the deadly prison planet of Vo'tun to rescue their fellow Stranger Jaleb and crush the evil Overbrain and his schemes of galactic conquest....Guest-starring: the STAR KNIGHT!This incredible journey to the furthest reaches of space is beaitifully drawn by Christophe Ouvrard.