In the quirky Irish town of Ballycarrick, Sergeant Mags Munroe is busy. When Chance Your Arm, an internationally acclaimed showjumper, mysteriously vanishes and a troubled celebrity seeks refuge in a luxury Irish castle, Mags finds herself reluctantly drawn into two high-profile cases.As well as crime investigation, she must manage feuding families, a leaky church roof and the dreadful D.I. Duckie Cassidy. As the cases unfold, Mags uncovers a web of secrets and deceptions that shake her understanding of the town she thought she knew.Joining forces with Conor O'Shea, the handsome, kind and astute owner of Castle Dysert, Mags combines their considerable skills. With wit, determination, and a knack for uncovering the truth, can Mags solve these seemingly unrelated cases? This delightful Irish cosy mystery will have you laughing, guessing, and cheering for the irrepressible Sergeant Munroe and her charming ally.