Bruce Gawain has been between knightly quests for longer than he'd like to admit. In the town of Holden, he meets a seer who tells him his destiny awaits in distant Gambreland, but with only three coins to his name, Bruce isn't getting much further than a barstool at the town's inn. As luck would have it, the innkeeper's beautiful daughter Svetlana and her flock of troublesome god-gifted sheep need an escort to Gambreland. With a paying job, everything seems to fall into place for Bruce's quest...except for Svetlana's killjoy bodyguard sister, an evil overlord with looming prophecy issues, and a dragon threatening to eat the townspeople until its stolen treasure is returned. Bruce sets out with his pan-wielding companion Mydeara and the negligibly talented bard, Harold to seek out the Wall of Nok. Will they find Bruce's destiny, return Svetlana safely home, and save the people of Holden from the vengeful dragon?