Like all good programmers, the scientists who brought Steele back to life kept a backup copy of the software containing the mind and personality of Lt. Donovan Steele.
But the matrix is more than just a copy -- it is Steele. It has no body, yet possesses almost limitless capabilities, traveling at split-second speed through postwar Manhattan's electronic network.
It's awake, aware -- and it wants to meet its cyborg twin, Steele ...who thinks he's losing his mind.
And Project Steele's chief engineer has her own plans: The matrix must be destroyed!
Lt. Donovan Steele was a good cop until he was killed. Then, he got even better. Advanced technology resurrected him in a robot body -- computer-brained, atom-powered, and supremely strong. Now this one-man SWAT team brings his own brand of justice to the savage world of tomorrow.