Darkness and sorrow cover Faerie as the Swansa dies from her cursed wounds. Only Ian's sister, Chloe, can take the Swansa's place as Priestess of Faerie, but they have to find her first. To save Rae's soul from eternal damnation in the pits of Uffern, Ian and Kaitlyn must rescue CJ from her stepfather and return her to the Swansa Gardens before Kaitlyn's time runs out. Together, Ian and Kaitlyn must restore the Shen Crystals of Atlantis, revive Merlin from his slumber, heal a Native American tribe, and release the Nephilim from their captivity. One false move could extinguish all life on Earth and plunge Faerie into chaos. When the needs of the many conflicts with the needs of the few, Ian must make a difficult choice. Somebody has to die.