Ron is a Vietnam veteran and after 25 yrs. of a normal life and marriage, he begins to experience re-occurring nightmares, dreams, and visions. Seeking to find the reason for their appearance and to rid himself of these experiences, he executes a plan he hopes will solve his questions and problem. Along the way he discovers a mysterious person seems to be watching him and this only complicates the matter. Will Ron find the answers he seeks? Will he find a solution that will end the chaos? Will he discover who the mystery person is and why they are following him? There is only one way to find the book and join him on his journey. Perhaps along the way you may discover a few things about yourself also. When I began writing this book, it was not exactly what I expected. (Is anything?) At first I wrote and, as the story began to unfold, I created an outline pretty much like most authors do. However, like what happens with most books, the story began to take on a life of it's own and once that happens the outline goes out the window. Perhaps that is for the better, since I believe this book wrote itself, better than I ever could. I believe you will enjoy reading it, as much as I did writing it. This book is dedicated to all those who serve, or have ever served, in our nation's fighting forces. May it be a great reminder to how much they give up for us to keep our freedoms. Thank for reading . . . J.B. Thomas