Sal & Sally, two small sea bass explore the ocean floor for a new game to play. They accidentally discover how to blow beautiful colorful bubbles. Soon they are trying to teach an Octopus how to blow them also, only she blows one so big that it entraps them. Then along comes a Long Nose Shark named Nasty Nick, who tries to eat them, only he cannot burst the bubble in order to reach them. Finally, he gives up and becomes their friend; He too learns to blow bubbles. However, he can only blow small ones thru his long nose. Then he receives the new name of Nifty Nick the Bubble Blowing Cowboy. Soon all the other sea critters learn to blow them also, and the sea fills with large colorful bubbles.
After that, they all become friends, and make up friendly Bubble Blowing Songs to sing for Jesus. Then they live happily ever after.