Meet Jack Stein, Psychic Investigator....
hIs specialty: Drawing CLUES FROM DREAMS AND PSYCHIC impressions. Not a line of work that brings a lot of respect.
His stomping ground: The Locality, a crowded, quasi-organic, self-feeding "urban environment" where the rich live high above the chaos...and the poor rot at the roots.
His latest client: Outreach Industries, a megaconglon let's reached out and grabbed every resource on every chunk of rock in the galaxy--including the rim planet Dairil III, where a mining crew has mysteriously disappeared. Outreach has hired Jack to sniff them out. In his dreams.
One problem: Jack's visions are cluttered with strange mystical symbols and red herrings. It's enough to make him wonder if Outreach really wants the miners to be found.
Another problem: When Jack gets his hands on a seemingly minor piece of evidence, suddenly half the Locality is after him. And nobody's willing to tell him why.
Conclusion: This could be part of something that's too big for even Jack to wrap his mind around.