The fabled romance of Venice seemed a mockery to lovely young Prudence Tarrant. Left penniless by the disgrace and death of her beloved brother, she came to this foreign city not as the lady she was born, but as a scorned governess to the ambitious Heriot family.
The spoiled beauty Judith Heriot angered her fiance, handsome and wealthy Lord Colin Erskine, once too often. The proud, iron-willed man took his revenge by making Prudence his bride. Life suddenly was an enchanted fairy tale--until the fearful doubts began. How could Prudence keep her husband's respect when he learned of her family's shame? What could she think when she spied him and Judith in passionate embrace? Who was behind the plot to rob Prudence of her honor and Colin's trust? Prudence woke from her dream of happiness to realize her joy was as fragile as fine-blown Venetian glass--but she vowed to risk her life to fight for her right to love.
Hero: Lord Colin Erskine
Heroine: Prudence (Pru) Tarrant