A fast-moving, dramatic California saga about the people--Spanish, Anglo, Mexican and Indian who struggled, fought, made mistakes, loved and survived to build the foundations of the Golden State. ***Jennifer's father didn't say a word to her as they drove back to the ranch in his Cadillac. His silence and her furtive glances at his grim face did nothing to reassure her, she figured he was marshaling his forces for an all-out offensive when they reached the house. He needn't expect her to be sorry because she wasn't, and nothing he could say or do would make her feel that way.Into the study, he ordered once they were inside.Jennifer marched defiantly into the room, determined not to sit down and let him stand over her while he raved at her. She meant to face him and give as good as she got.I'm disappointed in you, he began.Did he think she wasn't disappointed in him?I've never known you to be a sneak, he went on. What was sneaky about riding my bike to El Doblez and taking a bus to San Diego? she demanded.You did so knowing it was against my wishes and you took care I wouldn't catch you doing it.You're unreasonable, she cried. I can't talk to you. If mama were alive, she wouldn't keep me shut away like a princess in a tower.Don't you dare mention your mother! he shouted.I didn't do anything wrong. What's wrong with dancing?You left the house without permission. I won't be defied by you or by anyone else--do you understand?She folded her arms across her chest, staring at him, her fury growing. He wouldn't answer her questions, he only said the same old thing--you can't and the reason you can't is because I say so.As punishment for your disobedience, I'm canceling your allowance until further notice, he said. And because I can't trust you, you'll be locked in your room until I choose to let you out.Her anger boiled up and spilled over. Do you expect me to cry? To beg? Well, I refuse to. Go ahead, keep me a prisoner, see if I care! To tell the truth, she was perilously near tears but she'd die before she shed any in front of him. I hate you! she cried.