Among the Chippewa, by the cold northern shores of Lake Kitchigami, a woman named Birch Leaf dreams of a man-bear who thrusts out a flaming hand...It is the promised vision from the animal spirits, a sign that she can now be married...but the dream means nothing to her until that day when she meets a lone white man... Young, still inexperienced in the ways of the wilderness, Flann O'Phelan is in search of the vicious French-Indian Henri Fontenac...a supplier of guns to the Chippewa. Their conflict reaches its dramatic climax as O'Phelan discovers his most valuable ally, the beautiful, green-eyed Birch Leaf, a woman who knows the ways of the forest and the customs of the ancient Chippewa nation...a woman who captures the secret love of the young adventurer and teaches him the meaning of her trust and the harsh laws of survival in an unfamiliar and untamable land...the land of the Chippewa Daughter.