Book Two of the Hope Chest series follows the lives of Dr. Andrew McCurdy's family in Prescott, Arizona from the Great War through the Roaring Twenties, concluding at the end of 1929. His wife Amy sees her dream of Hope House, a facility ministering to former prostitutes, blossom and expand. Son Jeremy enlists with the Canadian Army and is sent to France, while son Robbie and daughter Abigail move to New York City, where he attends medical school and she pursues her passion for the suffrage movement. Their lives are impacted by the influenza pandemic of 1918, and the market crash of 1929 threatens the future not only of the family, but of Hope House.In this family saga, God demonstrates that He is outside of time, knowing the end from the beginning. Amy's Hope Chest continues to be the conduit for mysterious links to the past and the future in this series of time travel with a twist.