Together in the Past...
The last thing Army Lt. Claire Dumont remembered was her helicopter going down and Coleman Brennan, the new officer in her squadron, grabbing for her hand. When she awoke, she was a prisoner in the Civil War and the year was 1865. She wore a Confederate uniform, and the Union officer who took her prisoner had eyes she remembered from somewhere else...
To Find Each Other...
Capt. Nicholas Brooks lost his pride when his wounds forced him into a job -- behind the lines. The feeling he had for this mysterious woman in a rebel uniform could cost him his honor. Called a soldier of unbending steel, Nicholas desired Claire with a passion that seemed beyond control. Why was he so drawn to this stranger who did not seem a stranger at all...?
In the Present
Now Claire Dumont and Coleman Brennan lay comatose in a veteran's hospital, their injuries so grave no one believed either would live. But one slim hope existed for them both, a story unfolding over a century ago when a man and a woman desperately reached across time to make a life together....