"This is a stunning collection. Mesmerizing. Carew's foreshadowing is so deft, so subtle, we begin to ache before we should. We swat swamp mosquitoes as we sit around the smoke-fire with granite-faced Doorne and his sons, sensing peril. and we understand seduction before we are drawn into it. Carew's eloquence is irresistible; his ear for retrieving language so precise, so respectful, we nod comfortably at old friends. Nuh? This experience under a full Guyanese moon is exquisite; is memory recovered. As a matter of fact, Carew transcends academics or mere creativity when he does the impossible: returns to the past with us as tagalongs."
 -- Mari Evans, author of
Continuum and Clarity: (A Poet's Perspective)Jan Carew combines Caribbean folklore, ghost story, adventure tale, and literature of European exile to create a spirited dialect and colloquial voice that startles and delights; he's comfortable confronting anything, racial prejudice or whimsical fable, the natural world or city slum.