Only the most powerful love would mend their shattered dreams... -- A Union pistol took her husband's life. A Union order drove her from her home. But beautiful Megan Ward would do anything to protect her mother and brother -- even swear her loyalty to the Union soldiers now quartered in Independence. Hiding her bitter fury, she cooked their meals and did their washing with cool, quite grace -- until Major Joel Holt's compassionate gaze ripped through her defenses. Vainly she tried to harden her heart against this soldier who hated war... this man whose soft blue eyes filled her with dangerous longing. Then, in a brutal twist of fate, a renegade band of Confederates forced her to become a spy.
Caught by Major Holt in the very act of treachery, she was shocked when he offered her refuge -- as his bride. Swept up by a fierce, thrilling passion, they dared to trust their tender new love. And only Joel knew of the dark and terrible secret that could make them enemies once more... By Love Divided.