Vampin is the story of four teenage girls who become vampires. In order to conceal their new afflictions, they've run away from home and moved into an abandoned clinic, where they've learned to deal with their new condition. After they moved in, they began taking in abandoned kids from the street who, at first, have no clue that the girls aren't normal.
The girls have sworn to protect the kids at all costs, but when the main heroine, Starr, has a falling out with the other three, she winds down a path that leads her to an association with older and more powerful vampires.
One particular vampire takes a strong, overbearing interest in Starr, but why, she isn't clear. In hopes of discovering more about the mysterious vampire, Starr flies to Romania to track down her organization and, instead, finds herself brought into the middle of a world war.
Once a person is turned, they become more 'animal.' Follow the girls as they struggle to keep control of their new instincts and their new lives while protecting the lost children they saved from the streets.
Genre: Teen Vampire, Short Story/Novella/Novelette, Series
Year 2 of the series features Starr and the girls fighting side by side. They will do anything to stay together, and save each other from the fate that the evil vampire-empress, Credenza, has in store for them.
When Starr dreams of the empress ordering her abduction, she tracks down Kris, the German albino, to find the location of the Primordials, who are an ancient race responsible for the modern day vampire disease.
Vampin Box Sets are now available.
Genre: Teen series
Publisher's Page Count: 95