Morgan is a dreamer, change maker and art lover. She is a feisty, romantic feminist full of contradictions and insecurities. Morgan uncovers a world where women have the power, and where magic is no longer just a figment of her wild imagination. Sounds like a dream, but it may, in fact, turn into a nightmare.
The world of the Ahe'ey challenges and subverts her views about gender, genes, and nature versus nurture.
The strong and uninvited chemistry between her and the dashing Gabriel makes matters even more complicated. His stunning looks keep short-circuiting her rational mind.
Quotes - Episode 6
“Why don't you fight? I've seen you -- you are the bravest of them all. When you rescued me, you were … amazing. You could beat any of those Yi'ingo freaks with a hand tied behind your back. Why don't you take part in the Games? Why don't you show what you are really capable of? Why do you let us down? Do you want us to be ashamed of you?”