The land of opportunity...For the beast that hunts you.It's a place where dreams are stolen.Where there's more than coyotes that hunt in packs.You're in the middle of nowhere and there's nowhere to run.No border can protect you.Bring a good pair of shoes and lots of water.This crossing is a killer.What is SCARE SQUAD?Something is taking children.It starts one at a time.Soon, there are thousands of missing kids all over the world.Before they vanish, they see things that shouldn't be:Corpses come to life.Beasts with hooves and horns.Monsters that no longer hide under the bed.Adults can't help because they can't see what's happening.Only kids can fight the creatures that have come to take.Welcome to Scare Squad.Join Scare Squad in their Thirteenth Adventure: THE BEAST OF THE BARREN LAND!