Hangmanis the story of Michael Farrell, whose family immigrates to the MassachusettsBay Colony in the mid-18th century. Because the ship carriessmallpox, its passengers are quarantined at Spectacle Island in Boston Harbor.Upon his release, Farrell, captivated by the shores and harbor, settles in theHoughs Neck part of Braintree. The fishing community there antagonizes thePuritan leadership with its irreverence and defiance of the law. The conflictreaches a peak when gold coins are discovered in the harbor, setting off a waveof disorder. Because of Farrell's involvement and his wild behavior, he becomesthe target of the Puritans' revenge.You will meet anumber of unusual characters besides Michael: Constable John Arthur and hisassistant, George Turner; Katherine Butterworth, Farrell's secret infatuation;town derelict Ben Lockerbee; Pastor Oakenberry; sea captains Manuel de Rios andJoseph Barley; Magistrate Primhurst; the spirit of Thomas Morton; and, mostimportantly, the islands of Boston Harbor.