Continuing the complete reprinting of the classic Halfaday Creek series by master Northwest author James B. Hendryx. Originally published in book form in 1950, this edition has gone back to utilize the original magazine text versions (dating from 1947 and 1948), including all of the original illustrations. Black John Smith awakens to find himself upside down in a mine shaft -- and the latest series of Halfaday Creek adventures is in full swing. Needless to say, he is speedily rescued, for only Black John can keep the peace in his famous colony on the Yukon-Alaska border. Breaking the law in the interests of justice is his favorite pastime: this time his unconventional methods help him to solve the Case of the Chocolate-Covered Cartridges, the Case of the Poisoned Moose Meat, and the Case of the Other Black John. As usual, his ardent pursuit of justice add a few headstones to the Halfaday Creek cemetery, where the Hs (Hung) and the Ms (Murdered) outnumber the Ds (Died Natural).