On postapocalyptic Earth, humanity fights for survival against alien oppressors. Orchestrating the resistance in an ever-shifting battle, the Cerberus rebels confront a new level of dark manipulation. At the helm, a mind-controlling stone god plotting to reforge the planet. Now, the walls of the Cerberus stronghold have been breached and humanity' s soldiers are scattered, racing toward the shocking unknown.
Hewn from living, lava-blooded stone, Ullikummis, the new would-be cruel master of Earth, has been repelled for the moment. But he has Brigid Baptiste to lure Kane and Grant on a dangerous pursuit through the darkened swamps of Louisiana. In a treacherous land full of crazed Outlanders, vampiric raiders and genetic mutations, a cadre of pan-terrestrial soldiers and scientists are conducting a horrifying experiment in parasitic mind control. But true evil has yet to reveal itself, as the alliance scrambles to regroup?before humankind loses its last and only hope.