NOTE TO PARENTS - It starts with a sassy kid who has little problem obeying his parents. It’s no wonder, then, that he finds himself in a dozen different kinds of trouble. Geared for children ages 5 to 8, in these magical stories recount the misadventure of a smart, irrepressible and gusty boy who finds out exactly what can go wrong when he doesn’t follow his parent rules or take their advice. Children need and parents welcome the effect of instructive stories in their lives.It starts before a Halloween. Tom is out helping his mother do the groceries. Wait here, she tells him as she ducks inside a store, and don't talk to strangers, Just as soon as she disappears into the grocery, however, a fellow with a flashy smile pulls up in a flashy car, and catches Tom's attention. What a car! Tom gasps, and it's not long before he's in the passenger seat while the car barrels out of control all over the supermarket parking lot. And then the story starts. The Biggest Halo is an adventure about all the things that can go wrong when you talk to strangers.