Harper & Row, 1974, first edition. STORIES: On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi (1974) by William Tenn; The Golem (1955) by Avram Davidson; Unto the Fourth Generation (1959) by Isaac Asimov; Look, You Think You've Got Troubles (1969) by Carol Carr; Goslin Day (1970) by Avram Davidson; The Dybbuk of Mazel Tov IV (1974) by Robert Silverberg; Trouble with Water (1939) by H. L. Gold; Gather Blue Roses (1972) by Pamela Sargent; The Jewbird (1963) by Bernard Malamud; Paradise Last (1974) by George Alec Effinger; Street of Dreams, Feet of Clay (1967) by Robert Sheckley; Jachid and Jachidah (1961) by Isaac Bashevis Singer; I'm Looking for Kadak (1974) by Harlan Ellison. FEATURES: Why Me? (essay) by Isaac Asimov; Ellison's Grammatical Guide and Glossary for Goyim (1974) essay by Harlan Ellison. Interior artwork by Tim Kirk.