I can't just say: "Throw away your history books and other texts, folks. It's all a sham. You've been systematically lied to since before the so called dawn of time. You haven't been the masters of your own destiny. Most of what you think of as human progress has only been the reintroduction of age old ideas spoon fed to your people when the Martians among them felt that the time was right. In fact most of the innovations that you think of as relatively recent, even some that haven't been 'discovered' yet, could have been available to your cave man ancestors if the Martian Council had decided to let that happen." Saying things like that could be very dangerous. It would be a good way to get a one way ticket to the funny farm or, if anyone believed it, to get the current council, including me, lynched. In all prudence I should try to avoid that kind of statement; but it's the truth.