In the cruel and oppressive land of Eshar, fifteen-year-old Stephen Laing receives his father's will years after his death, leading him to a series of journal entries that were written by his father about the world around him. He discovers that his father left this journal to inform him and his ten-year-old sister, Faith, about Eshar, their home, and the possibility of escaping it. The two learn that beyond Eshar's harsh society, there could be a place free of the sadness, death, and pain they live with daily. A place where you can live freely without having to act, think, and live how the government wants you to. This place is known only as the world beyond reality, and Stephen and Faith are willing to give up everything to get there. The more they learn, the more they begin to doubt and distrust the world around them. Stephen, at his core, wants to know the truth. But there is a cruel power that stands in his way, and it will do anything to prevent him from uncovering it. That cruel power has a name: the Ministry of Information. They are a group of elite individuals who govern the country of Eshar and the people living inside of it. Together, Stephen and Faith are on a search through the clues left behind by their father to unravel the mystery of Code One before the Ministry stops them in the quest to control the past for good.