Follow the adventures of Sir Kain Viccon, 113th Grand General of the Army of the Kingdom of Arcainia, and his teenage sister Nancy in their quest to hunt down the vile warlock Noknor and seek vengeance against the monster who murdered their beloved parents. However, this quest will not be easy as Noknor has armed himself with an ancient talisman that just may make him unstoppable in his conquest for control of the Five Kingdoms of the Old World. Problems are compounded when Noknor kidnaps the siblings' half-cousin Hua Li, a beautiful warrior from the faraway land of China with her own vendetta against Noknor's second-in-command, a loathsome mercenary that murdered her best friend and betrayed her lover on the battlefield. Kain and Nancy must find something powerful enough to stand up to Noknor's cruel fury, but does such a legendary weapon even exist? And even if it does, will they be able to find it in time to rescue Hua Li before she meets a gruesome fate at Noknor's vile hands? Or could this adventure finally be their last? Find out in this true faery tale filled with magick, exotic locales, sword-swinging adventure, and martial arts action!