In the third installment of Crush, everyone is faced with eye opening life experiences and hard choices to make. This could be the end of the road for some while others are just beginning. Shocking secrets can destroy relationships and render some an early death certificate. Did Lamar really slip Jazmin something to make her miscarry? What becomes of Cassie and Rock? Who is Tanya's son's father? Could it be Sean, or one of the other guys in the group? Will Desiree and Damien's marriage continue to thrive, or will it fizzle? Can Rayven find it in her heart to forgive Sean and welcome him back home with open arms? With Jazmin and Jah, neither one of them know if they're ending or beginning. Will these two ever get it together? Or will the other people in their lives such as Nivea and Lamar continue to run interference? And who is that lady at Jah's condo? Questions have been asked and now it's time for them to be answered....CRUSH 3